tisdag 22 november 2016

Patricia Rodas

The Most Intimate Hideaways 
Opening  24.11 18:30


Since 2012 I ́ve been working with the body of work “The Most Intimate Hideaways ”.
I work with analogue large format camera and in black&white.

In this serie of pictures I influence the exposure process through hands-on behaviour, like
hitting the body of the camera or kicking the tripod. This is, in fact, to reconstruct a state of
mind during a tearing situation in a violent relationship I experienced in the past.

My body of work, “The Most Intimate Hideaways” consists of two parts. One is the
photographs which picture the imaginary hidden places my mind escaped to.
The second part is poems which describe the struggle between escaping and subjection with
stagnation as a result. 

Domestic violence is not only a personal question, it is highly a social issue. My research and
artistic work with this specific theme is now continuing since I received a 6 months grant
2016 from Arts promotion centre Finland and as I feel, it ́s extremely important to enlighten
other women's experiences from this kind of trauma.

Patricia Rodas